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Time | Activity |
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Openning Remarks | |
Distinguished Keynote Lecture: A Journey from Transfer Learning to Federated Learning, by Qiang Yang, Chief AI Officer (CAIO), WeBank / Chair Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) | |
Invited Talk 1: Federated Learning in Large Clinical Research Networks, by Fei Wang, Cornell University | |
Invited Talk 2: Towards Robust and Efficient Federated Learning, by Shiqiang Wang, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center | |
Invited Talk 3: How to Secure the Generalization of a Pre-trained Model, by Ying Wei, City University of Hong Kong | |
Break | |
Contributed Oral Presentation Session 1 (15 minutes per talk including Q&A)
Invited Talk 4: Label Leakage and Protection in Two-party Split Learning, by Chong Wang, ByteDance | |
Invited Talk 5: Federated Optimization under Real-world Constraints, by Zheng Xu, Google | |
Invited Talk 6: Large Scale Vertical Federated Learning, by Liefeng Bo, JD | |
Lunch Break | |
Contributed Oral Presentation Session 2 (15 minutes per talk including Q&A)
Invited Talk 7: Federated Learning for Industrial Video Recommendation, by Hao Li, Tencent | |
Invited Talk 8: Federated Continual and Semi-Supervised Learning, by Sung Ju Hwang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | |
Invited Talk 9: Transfer Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Open Library, by Mingsheng Long, Tsinghua University | |
Contributed Oral Presentation Session 3 (15 minutes per talk including Q&A)
Invited Talk 10: Rethinking Importance Weighting for Transfer Learning, by Masashi Sugiyama, The University of Tokyo | |
Award Ceremony | |
Poster Session (Gathertown - Green 2)
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Title: A Journey from Transfer Learning to Federated Learning Speaker: Qiang Yang, Chief AI Officer (CAIO), WeBank / Chair Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Biography
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Title: Federated Learning in Large Clinical Research Networks Speaker: Fei Wang, Cornell University Biography
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Title: Towards Robust and Efficient Federated Learning Speaker: Shiqiang Wang, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Biography
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Title: How to Secure the Generalization of a Pre-trained Model Speaker: Ying Wei, City University of Hong Kong Biography
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Title: Label Leakage and Protection in Two-party Split Learning Speaker: Chong Wang, ByteDance Biography
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Title: Federated Optimization under Real-world Constraints Speaker: Zheng Xu, Google Biography
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Title: Large Scale Vertical Federated Learning Speaker: Liefeng Bo, JD Biography
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Title: Federated Learning for Industrial Video Recommendation Speaker: Hao Li, Tencent Biography
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Title: Federated Continual and Semi-Supervised Learning Speaker: Sung Ju Hwang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Biography
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Title: Transfer Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Open Library Speaker: Mingsheng Long, Tsinghua University Biography
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Title: Rethinking Importance Weighting for Transfer Learning Speaker: Masashi Sugiyama, The University of Tokyo Biography
Privacy and security are becoming a key concern in our digital age. Companies and organizations are collecting a wealth of data on a daily basis. Data owners have to be very cautious while exploiting the values in the data, since the most useful data for machine learning often tend to be confidential. Increasingly strict data privacy regulations such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) bring new legislative challenges to the big data and artificial intelligence (AI) community. Many operations in the big data domain, such as merging user data from various sources for building an AI model, will be considered illegal under the new regulatory framework if they are performed without explicit user authorization.
In order to explore how the AI research community can adapt to this new regulatory reality, we organize this one-day workshop in conjunction with the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'21). The workshop will focus on machine learning systems adhering to the privacy-preserving and security principles. Technical issues include but not limit to data collection, integration, training and modelling, both in the centralized and distributed setting. The workshop intends to provide a forum to discuss the open problems and share the most recent and ground-breaking work on the study and application of secure and privacy-preserving compliant machine learning. Both theoretical and application-based contributions are welcome. The FL-series workshops seek to explore new ideas with particular focus on addressing the following challenges:
We welcome submissions on recent advances in privacy-preserving, secure machine learning and artificial intelligence systems. All accepted papers will be presented during the workshop. At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to represent it at the workshop. Topics include but not limit to:
Position, perspective, and vision papers are also welcome.
More information on previous workshops can be found here.
Submissions should be between 4 to 7 pages following the IJCAI-21 template. Formatting guidelines, including LaTeX styles and a Word template, can be found at: https://www.ijcai.org/authors_kit. We do not accept submissions of work currently under review. The submissions should include author details as we do not carry out blind review. High quality submissions will be invited to submit an extended version to a journal special issue (to be announced later).
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=flijcai21
For enquiries, please email to flijcai21@easychair.org.
Selected high quality submissions will be invited to contribute chapters in the following edited book (Call for Book Chapters):